Emilia Hart’s 2023 novel Weyward ended up in my library via the Book of the Month Club*. Although I considered it interesting enough to select from the monthly list, it had no other distinguishing features that would escalate it on my TBR list. However, I did place this debut novel into the BBB Bookclub consideration box, and it became the July 2024 pick. Although the dust … [Read more...] about Weyward by Emilia Hart (2023)
Japanese Whisky with Chuck Johnson
Subscribe Apple PodcastSpotifyYouTubeGoogle PodcastAmazon MusicTuneInAudible Originally recorded: 20230728 Length: 00:41:07 Should we have recorded two shows in one night? Probably not. But Ape and Reba double booked themselves and we are nothing if not professionals. Did you keep a straight face on that last part? Neither did I when I typed it. At any rate, here’s … [Read more...] about Japanese Whisky with Chuck Johnson
Asinine, Journey, Crazy, or Truth
Seventeen years, give or take, whether or not you count MySpace. Seventeen years, depending on if you count those years where I couldn’t—didn’t. Seventeen years. I have been writing words and pushing publish for seventeen years. Depending on how you calculate these kinds of things, a person could call it an asinine waste of time or the greatest journey ever. I … [Read more...] about Asinine, Journey, Crazy, or Truth
Balcones Texas Pot Still Straight Bourbon Whisky
Subscribe Apple PodcastSpotifyYouTubeGoogle PodcastAmazon MusicTuneInAudible Originally recorded: 20230903 Length: 55:43 We thought we hadn’t had this one before. A discovery of an empty bottle suggests we were wrong. So, in this episode, Ape and Reba give Balcones its due – and discover some pretty cool stuff about what it means to be “Texas Whisky.” Type: Texas … [Read more...] about Balcones Texas Pot Still Straight Bourbon Whisky
April Math (8+8+8 rule)
I know I am supposed to be writing new stuff – and I am, sort of. Not sort of. Exactly new stuff. But it is all school stuff. All of it. The thing I posted yesterday was written seven years ago. The thing I posted before that – three months ago. The last podcast I published – December. That was also the last we recorded anything new. I told myself that I was not going to do … [Read more...] about April Math (8+8+8 rule)