Subscribe: Originally recorded: 20230621 Length: 01:10:45 We feel like we have done this episode before because Penelope comes up so often in conversation. Finally, this whiskey gets its very own episode (along with conversations that, as usual, go sideways just a bit) 20230621 Penelope Flag Ship Purchase … [Read more...] about Penelope Straight Bourbon Whiskey and the Tokaji
Seriously, Here is Where (Maybe) I Write a Book
June 9, 2023 - Want to Watch Me Write a Book? I think that’s what I am going to make this particular section. I don’t know why I feel a need to call it anything, but it is a need. Maybe it’s the way I process my day. I haven’t had what one would call a regular schedule for quite some time. I have also tried extremely hard to break the habit of saying, “I’ve been really busy,” … [Read more...] about Seriously, Here is Where (Maybe) I Write a Book
Wanna Watch Me Write a Book?
June 7, 2023 - It is official! I have been on summer break for a month. It is my first summer break since I started college in 2020. I have, as timing would have it, battled a kidney infection that started mid-April, left me struggling through finals, missing many of the senior activities I wanted to be a part of, and attending graduation on Motrin, Tylenol, and adrenaline. … [Read more...] about Wanna Watch Me Write a Book?
Chapter Two: I Believe in Jesus Christ, His Only Son, Our Lord (422 – 682)
Part One: The Profession of Faith Section Two: The Profession of the Christian Faith Article 2: And in Jesus Christ, his only son, our Lord I. Jesus II. Christ III. The only Son of God IV. Lord IN BRIEF 452 The name Jesus means "God saves". the child born of the Virgin Mary is called Jesus, "for he will save his people from their sins" (Mt … [Read more...] about Chapter Two: I Believe in Jesus Christ, His Only Son, Our Lord (422 – 682)
Chapter One: I Believe in God the Father (198-421)
Part One: The Profession of Faith Section Two: The Profession of the Christian Faith Article 1: "I believe in God, the Father Almighty, Creator of heaven and earth" Paragraph 1: I believe in God I. I Believe in one God II. God reveals His name III. God, "He who Is," is truth and Love IV. The Implications of Faith in One God In … [Read more...] about Chapter One: I Believe in God the Father (198-421)